Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My daughter is not from New Jersey.  Can she still participate?

A: While Bergen CodeHers prioritizes students based in New Jersey, you may email us as a non-resident expressing your interest to be put on the waiting list.  If space is available for your child by mid-June, you will be contacted on a first-come-first-serve basis.  If your daughter is interested in computer science, we still highly recommend "Under One Condition" as it is used as the foundation of our curriculum. 

Q: My daughter is not a rising 7th or 8th grader.  Can she still participate?

A: While Bergen CodeHers is designed to specifically for rising 7th and 8th grade students, you may email us if your child is a rising 9th grader expressing your interest to be put on the waiting list.  If space is available for your child by mid-June, you will be contacted on a first-come-first-serve basis.  Unfortunately, there will be no exceptions for students younger than rising 7th graders.  If your daughter is interested in computer science, we still highly recommend "Under One Condition" as it is used as the foundation of our curriculum. 

Q: Does my daughter need prior computer science and programming knowledge?

A: Not at all!  Bergen CodeHers is intended to help girls build confidence in their computer science skills at an introductory level.  Students of all skill levels are welcome to participate.

Q: Will students only be learning computer science?

A: Bergen CodeHers will not only prepare participants to excel in computer science, but will help them become leaders in STEM by learning to take initiative in and out of the classroom.  Through one-on-one mentorship, students will always have access to office hours where they will develop an impactful passion project.